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UFOs on Radar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
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The evidence is as clear as the radar returns of UFOs, we are not alone.


Trindade, Brazil
January 16, 1958

When ufologists and skeptics can't find strings, shadows or signs that a UFO photo is faked, they question the credibility of the photographer and witnesses. Trained observersincluding pilots, ship captains and military officers are usually considered the best witnesses. It is the credibility of the 47 crew members of the Brazilian naval vessel Almirante Saldanha that makes the Trindade, Brazil UFO photo so important.

1958 Brazil,Trindade.

As part of its contribution to the 1957-58 International Geophysical Year, the Brazilian navy set up a weather station on the small rocky island of Trindade, in the south Atlantic Ocean. In January 1958, observers began spotting unusual aerial activity, including fast-flying disks. On the night of Jan. 16, the disk shown here appeared within view of the ship's company.

Among those present was civilian photographer Almiro Barauna, who snapped a series of six photos. After the ship returned to port, the photos, which had been developed on board in a makeshift darkroom, were turned over to the Brazilian Navy Ministry. Analysts determined the photos to be authentic and concluded they showed a 50-ft.-dia. object moving at 600 mph.

Skeptics have offered two explanations for the craft. Initially, Harvard University astronomy professor Donald H. Menzel said the UFO was simply a plane flying through fog. Then, in the first of several books he would write debunking UFOs, he claimed the photos were faked. Barauna, he said, had first photographed a model UFO in his home and later double-exposed the same roll of film with pictures of the open sky. However, a 1978 examination by an independent laboratory using digital photo analysis ruled out such tampering.

"Given the number of witnesses, the results of photo analysis, both military and civilian, and the need for debunkers to reinvent the incident to 'explain' it, it seems most unlikely that the Trindade photographs were hoaxed," says JAHCUS's Clark

Hillsdale, Michigan
March 21, 1966

Ufologists sometimes say skeptics are people who haven't had a "close encounter." Josef Allen Hynek, who coined the phrase "close encounter," might agree.

Hynek was a University of Chicago-trained astrophysicist and confirmed skeptic who served as the scientific consultant to the Air Force Project Blue Book UFO investigation. And then he changed sides. The case that prompted his conversion occurred in Hillsdale County, Mich., on March 21, 1966, and involves the photo shown here.

At about 10:30 pm a resident of the women's dormitory at Hillsdale College reported a strange object in the sky. County Civil Defense director William E. Van Horn responded and confirmed that a bright glowing object was indeed bouncing across a nearby hollow and then became airborne. Hynek, who died in 1986, dismissed the Hillsdale sighting as "swamp gas." Within two weeks, however, he changed not only his opinion about the sighting, but also sides in the great UFO debate.

Perhaps it was the contents of Van Horn's report that sparked the conversion. Soil analysis showed that on the very spot where the "swamp gas" had touched down, radiation levels were higher than in the surrounding terrain. More significant still was the finding that the ground was also contaminated with boron, the element used to slow nuclear chain reactions.


In 1980, just after Christmas, Brenda Butler a local paranormal investigator, was contacted by an American friend who was a security police officer at the twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge, Suffolk, England (a base owned by the USAF).

The friend claimed that in the early hours of December 26th, he and two other guards had been sent into the nearby forest of Rendlesham (this forest separates Bentwaters from Woodbridge). There had been reports of a big light crashing down from the sky into the woods. When the men arrived they found a disc-shaped craft on tripod legs resting on the ground. They radioed back to the base for backup and over the next couple of hours senior personnel came out to the site.

The friend also reported that several small aliens, about 3ft tall with grey skin and large heads were seen 'suspended' around the craft as if making repairs. He also claimed that one of the senior officers tried to communicate with the aliens with sign language.

This seemed yet another unsubstantiated case until an almost exact story was told to another researcher. However at first most UFO researchers were dubious about this case. However, Jenny Randles together with Dot Street and Brenda Butler started collating eye-witness evidence and testimony. They put all these together in a book called Sky Crash which was a bit of a jumbled mess. However, the book seemed to open the floodgates with new witnesses and evidence coming to light.

One of these witnesses, a forestry worker, found the alleged crash site a day after the events. He reported the damage to the trees and the marking on the ground to the local authorities. However when he returned the next day the entire site had be felled and dug up!.

Another witness, Gordon Levitt, observed the object as it flew silently over his house. He described it as an 'upturned mushroom glowing phosphorescent'. His dog, whose barking alerted him to the object, became ill the next day a died shortly afterwards.

The researchers eventually with the help of some American UFO researchers managed to obtain a secret memo through the FOIA. The memo written by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Halt, was sent to the British Ministry of Defence (the MOD had told Jenny Randles that no such memo existed!!).

The Halt memo discussed three separate events. The landing of a small craft on the first night. The discovery of ground traces with excess radiation readings, and another sighting the following night which Halt himself witnessed.

The Halt memo talks of a second document, however, this has not been released to UFO researchers because it is a threat to 'National Security'!.

A radar operator, from a nearby tracking station, then came forward and told researchers that 2 days after the incident USAF personnel came to the tracking station a removed all radar recordings for the past 2 nights. These were never seen again.

All this new info, along with a tape recording made by Halt on the night of the encounter which describes his attempts to try an identify the object, were put together by Jenny Randles in her excellent book 'From Out of the Blue'.

The best explanation that any of the sceptics have managed so far is that the over 30 military personnel including senior officers were all sent out into the forest to observe the lights of the nearby lighthouse !!.

This case is probably the best case excluding Roswell, which indicate a crash/landing of some description.

There was absolutely no question about what happened in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the night of Dec. 17, 1977. A UFO ejected about 40 pounds of molten metal onto the ground. While most of America was settling down for the evening sitcoms, Mike and Criss Moore, who were each 24 at the time, were driving to Mike's mother's home in Council Bluffs. About a half mile ahead, just above the treetops, they saw a glowing red ball falling toward Big Lake Park. "It hit the ground in the vicinity of Gilberts Pond in Big Lake Park, across the Missouri River from Eppley Airfield. The exact street address is 1900 N. Eighth St.," says Jacques F. Vallee-a computer scientist who has compiled a database of thousands of sightings-in detailing the episode. When onlookers arrived at the impact point on a small levee, they found a 4 in.thick mass of molten, red-orange metal covering the frozen ground, about 16 ft. from the road. The metal mass was still glowing 15 minutes later when Mike Moore's father, assistant fire chief Jack Moore, arrived. After the metal had cooled, Robert Allen, a local astronomer, collected samples. Part of the roughly 40 pound slab went to the U.S. Air Force's Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. public, but in a letter assured local authorities that "reentering spacecraft debris does not impact the earth's surface in a molten state." In his report, Ames Laboratory director Robert S. Hansen ruled out a meteor. Officially, the episode remains an unsolved mystery, but Vallee sees it as something more telling. The Council Bluffs episode was not unique. At the Pocantico conference, Vallee said that in at least nine other sightings, aerial objects in distress were accompanied by the ejection of molten metal. "Reports of unusual metallic residue following the observation of an unexplained aerial phenomenon are detailed enough for a comparative study to be undertaken."

True Skeptics Needed

Bernard Haisch, a former Lockheed scientist who had served on the Rockefeller panel in 1997, believes it is time for the scientific community to become more skeptical in the truest sense of the word. "We need to be skeptical of both the believers and the scoffers," he told PM during a visit to the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics in Palo Alto, Calif., where he is currently director. To this end, Haisch recently created www.ufoskeptic.org. The Web site encourages mainstream scientists to reconsider the UFO phenomenon in light of recent advances in physics, such as superstring and Mbrane theories, which postulate the existence of multidimensional space. "I have been an active professional astronomer since earning my doctorate in 1975," he says. "I've learned quite a bit about the UFO phenomenon over the years, certainly more than I had bargained for. UFO sightings are not limited to farmers in backward rural areas. There are astronomers, and pilots and NASA engineers, who have witnessed events for which there is no plausible conventional explanation."

Police Cruiser Blackout

Luis Delgado was a 28yearold patrolman for the Haines City, Fla., police department when he became part of one of the most compelling UFO sightings. It happened about 3:50 am, on March 19, 1992. Delgado noticed a rapidly descending green light in his rearview mirror as he drove down a street alongside a citrus grove. The light seemed to keep pace with his cruiser until he slowed down. Then the silent, domeshaped object flew overhead, filling his police cruiser with a brilliant green glow. He pulled to a stop, and the power in his vehicle went dead. For the next several minutes he stood outside his car watching the 15ft.wide craft hover silently in front of him. It seemed to float about 10 ft. off the ground, cooling the surrounding air to the point at which it formed a foggy mist. Then, just as quickly as it appeared, it sped away. Delgado returned to his car, and found the electrical system was again operating. "The scientific panel was very impressed by cases in which electrical equipment was disrupted, " says Michael D. Swords, of Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Mich. A conference participant at Pocantico, Swords told POPULAR MECHANICS that this type of encounter is far more common than most people realize. UFO investigator Mark Rodeghier of the Center for UFO Studies in Chicago told the conference at Pocantico that over the past 50 years more than 500 similar reports had been filed. What distinguishes the Delgado sighting is the inherent credibility of the observer. As a police officer, Delgado had nothing to gain-and possibly a great deal to lose-by coming forward with his account.


For UFO investigators, the most disappointing aspect of the Delgado sighting isn't the absence of evidence, but the way evidence has been allowed to simply disappear through neglect. Samples of the nearby road and vegetation were never collected. No radiation measurements of the area were made. UFO researchers in France take the scientific investigations of unexplained aerial phenomena more seriously than those in the United States. The Center for Space Research, France's counterpart to NASA, even has a team that swings into action when these types of events occur. The team is called GEPAN, after the French acronym for Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Study Group. GEPAN investigator JeanJacques Velasco told the Pocantico conference the details of what is perhaps the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time, the TransEnProvence incident. Renato Nicolai didn't think he had seen a UFO, but instead a secret military aircraft that had strayed from its test site. A contractor who had been retired for about two years when the episode occurred on Jan. 8, 1981, Nicolai was working on his terrace in the late afternoon when he heard a faint whistling. In the distance he saw a leadcolored object, about 5 ft. high, a bit wider in diameter, and shaped like a pair of inverted bowls, fall from the sky. It came to a floating stop about 6 ft. above the ground. For the next halfminute he observed the object, and then watched it rist into the sky, creating a Small trail of dust. "When my wile came home in the evening, I told her what I had seen," he said in his official report. "My wife thought I was joking." The following morning, he showed her where it had hovered and the two of them spotted circular traces it had left in the ground. Neighbors suggested they tell the police. Through the police, word reached GEPAN, which routinely checks to see whether such sightings are of a military activity or an aircraft. When both were ruled out, GEPAN interviewed Nicolai and collected soil from the area where the object had reportedly hovered. The mystery only deepened. There was black material mixed with the soil, but chemical analysis ruled out combustion residue, oil or concrete. Later analyses showed the soil had been contaminated with traces of metal, and the surrounding vegetation showed subtle damage. Something happened in Trans EnProvence, but to this day no one is certain of what that was.

These are just a few ufo cases out of thousands.There are more everyday.